
Sticker-driven maintenance

Marketing maintenance work with irrational exuberance

crosstalk: Dynamic filtering for R Markdown

An introduction to browser-based interactivity of htmlwidgets – no Shiny server required!

Column Names as Contracts

Using controlled dictionaries for low-touch documentation, validation, and usability of tabular data

A beginner's guide to Shiny modules

Don’t believe the documentation! Shiny modules aren’t just for advanced users; they might just be a great entry point for development

Resource Round-Up: Latent and Lasting Documentation

Readings and assorted ideas about creating and maintaining low-overhead documentation


projmgr: Managing the human dependencies of your project

A lightning talk on key features of the projmgr package

RMarkdown Driven Development

How and why to refactor one time analyses in RMarkdown into sustainable data products

tidycf: Turning analysis on its head by turning cashflows on their side

An overview of how the tidycf R package led to process and cultural change at Capital One

Assorted talks on designing analytical tools and communities for enterprise

A variety of related talks to creating innersource culture with R packages and related tools



satRday Chicago Conference Organizer

Speaker & Sponsor lead for 2019 and 2020


Hackathon-in-a-box templates for custom Rmd and ggplot2 themes


R package providing project management interface to GitHub


R Markdown Cookbook

This cookbook contains tips and tricks to help you get the most out of R Markdown. Topics include the automated generation of content (diagrams, text), customizing format (Pandoc, HTML, and LaTeX templates), workflow improvements (modularizing child documents, cross-referencing code chunks, chunk caching), modifying rendering behavior with hooks, and using alternative language engines.